Dima Nusseybeh (ديمه نسيبه)

Dima Nusseybeh (ديمه نسيبه)

Dima Nusseybeh (ديمه نسيبه)

[EN] The headmaster of “Starfish Nursery” in Amman, Jordan, this being the last known place where my boy Iosif was kept for most of the day. At the time being, I don’t have any news of my son in months. Dima Nuseibeh, despite the fact that she knew the hole situation about Iosif from my phone calls to her, she refused to offer me any help or information about him. Basically she is approving of the kidnaping of my child by Hamzeh Buqaei and proves herself extremely cruel towards a four year-old and his mother.

[RO] Directoarea cresei “Starfish Nursery” din Aman, Iordania, ultimul loc in care stiu ca era tinut Iosif pentru o buna parte din timp. In prezent nu mai stiu nimic despre baietelul meu de luni bune. Desi a luat la cunostinta despre situatie, a refuzat sa-mi ofere orice informatii ori ajutor in ceea ce il priveste pe Iosif. Practic a incuvintat rapirea fiului meu de catre Hamzeh Buqaei si dovedeste o cruzime neobisnuita fata de un copilas de nici patru ani si mama sa.